Ecodesign Studio Customized software
LCA Eco-design All articles
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The software solution for your LCA and eco-design projects

The most complete toolbox to know and improve the environmental performance of your products

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They use Ecodesign Studio

Everything to eco-design your products


Benefit from an intuitive, life-cycle oriented modeling interface

Easily create or import BOMs for your products

Customize your interface according to your design steps


Identify the origins of the impacts (materials, processes, transport, ...)

Assess the life-cycle of your products according to ISO 14040

Determine the most impactful features of your products


Create alternative concepts and simulate potential benefits

Generate your action plans and perform their feasibility analysis

Track your progress over time with personalized reporting

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A solution already adopted in various sectors

Ecodesign Studio is an excellent tool for the design office. The comparison of the environmental impact between 2 materials or 2 manufacturing methods is very easy to do and allows the design office to make choices in pre-study and to draw generalities. Serge Horellou
CEO at Couédic Madoré Équipement

Ecodesign Studio has helped us to take the first steps toward visibility on our production and the effect that have on the planet. This tool has supported us to set up sustainability goals to be a part of improving the earth and slowly reducing our footprint on the environment. Emma Ivarsson
Product Manager at Hejco

Ecodesign studio is a fun and very easy to use software which allows a quick and accessible learning process for all. The realization of these simplified LCA allows us to realize easily the possible tracks / axes of development for our product thanks to results expressed in a readable and very graphic way. I therefore recommend the use of this software allowing anyone to become aware of eco-design and to easily understand the logic of the realization of a simplified LCA! Adeline Porteret
Product Designer at TMC Innovation

A price adapted to your needs

Full pack


1 user
Life-Cycle Assessment
Indicators personalization
Comparison and simulation
Customizable dashboards
Eco-functional analysis
Strategic analysis and actions plans
Mechanical standard NF E01-005
Base IMPACTS® 2.01
FD E01-008 database
Technical support


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+ More users
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+ Private database
+ ecoinvent 3.8
+ Internal setup
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